Design It With Us.

At Rogers Construction Group, our design phase is a collaborative journey, where we meet with top architects to transform your vision into a tangible blueprint, setting the foundation for a home that’s as unique as your dreams.

Architectural Consultations

Facilitate meetings with architects to discuss and refine project designs, ensuring that all architectural plans align with the client’s vision and functional needs.

Project Management Coordination

Organize sessions between project manager and client to oversee the project’s progress, address challenges, and ensure that timelines and quality standards are met.

Client Design

We work closely with clients and the design team to personalize and finalize design elements, fostering a deeper involvement and satisfaction with the final outcome.


    Lets Work Together.

    We welcome you to contact us for more information
    about any of our products or services.

    Let’s Talk About Your Project

    Let’s Talk About Your Property.

    Let’s Talk About Investing.

    CALL: 713.429.0909

    Designed by Pro Tree
